I continue to learn the importance of waiting...the importance of letting time and life sort out complexities, challenges and impossibilities. I am learning that if I follow the advice to "Be still and know that I am God." that I have a clearer sense of direction and purpose. Otherwise, I kick against the pricks and it seems that I am flailing and making a lot of noise but going nowhere. The thing that brought this to mind was this amazing dust/rain storm (called a monsoon here in AZ, but that really isn't the right name...NOTE: they tried to change it to the correct name several years ago with all the weathermen/women calling it by its correct name, but we are creatures of habit and it remains a monsoon.) that we had of late. You could see the wall of dust, the wind picked up, our small trees were bending almost horizontal and then the rain hit...Sheets of water filling the pool, overflowing into dry washes and cascading down the mountain. Washes ran and every living thing took cover to witness the power of nature. Twenty minutes later is was gone and all the angst of whether we would survive was gone. During the storm, minor problems: chairs flying across the yard, electricity out, dirt and debris in the pool...but safety in our home. I waited out the storm...am thinking that that is probably a good lesson for me to remember in the storms of my life..."Be still and know that I am God." Ok...I get the message!
Labels: Waiting duststorm